BIOMUTANT Free Download Full PC GAME ( ALL DLC )

Hello beautiful people! Today we will talk about Biomutant Game Review & Biomutant download. Biomutant would not have looked out of place if they had

Biomutant Full Game Review

Hello beautiful people! Today we will talk about Biomutant Game Review & Biomutant download.

Biomutant would not have looked out of place if they had come out ten years ago. Experiment 101 seemed to live up to its name by adding new twists to the old open-world formula and the RPG genre. The result shows a lot of trial and error behind the scenes, but Biomutant is more of a mistake than anything else. Its unique ideas don't stand out in what is otherwise a very standard open-world game.

It's not what happened but what could have happened that makes you sad. Even though many of the game's systems aren't very good, it's clear that Biomutant wanted to go big on RPG systems. During the roughly 20-hour adventure, you get hints of this through speech checks that lower your overall stats if you fail them and tough choices that determine who makes it to safety and who is left behind. The problem is that none of them amount to much. Instead, they choose to be minor details in a colorful but not entire landscape.

And there isn't much of it because the world of Biomutant is often quiet, even though its colors and tones are bright. The huge post-apocalyptic world is made up of rolling green hills and crumbling buildings from long ago. It comprises many different regions, each with its climate and resistance. But there isn't much that links one landmark to the next. Long stretches of grass and simple housing don't offer compelling reasons to go off the main path, nor does the actual optional content, primarily simple fetch quests. Later, biomes add a little visual variety, but most of their problems are the same.


It all comes down to a search for either chaos or peace (your choice), which can feel both simple and overwhelming. It's simple in the way that modern open-world games beat it by a large margin, but it's also strong outside of the action. The game has so many different systems and ways to play that the menus are about to burst.

Biomutant has a lot going on. There are three upgrade trees, a morality system, detailed crafting options, different tribes to keep track of, and long lists of Wung-Fu moves. Too many things are going on, and it's easy to get lost in the menus. Biomutant feels like a shot for the stars that ran out of gas before the ozone layer because it doesn't fully explain what each option and mechanic does. Far too much feels like it wasn't ready to go or could have been done better.

Conversely, the combat isn't quite as ambitious, though it can be fun depending on the weapon you use. Some bats and big hitters will feel good when they hit an enemy, while others won't do much. It almost seems like it's a matter of luck. Most enemies can be taken down with simple combos, and guns that can be customized can do damage at a distance. However, the guns always feel and sound like pea shooters. But what gives engagements their style is the text that pops up, like in a comic book, when a combo is done well. Then, damage numbers will appear on the screen to show how much damage you're doing to an enemy's health bar. Together, they give the event a sense of style. Nothing about them will make the combat system much better than average, but at least they look fantastic.

Then, there is a long list of abilities that try to make combat bigger and better, but they never really do much. It's a problem that affects the whole game; enemies soak up too many bullets (in this case, attacks). When powers don't have much of an effect on a health bar, they don't feel essential. Before your enemies die, you'll have to beat them.


The fighting is made worse by the complicated crafting system, which lets you change every part of your outfit with add-ons. It's probably the most impressive thing about Biomutant. Experiment 101, the company that made the game, went all out with numerous options. You can put together something that doesn't seem to go together to create a weapon of mass destruction. You can then improve it with upgrades in the future. If the title gets one thing right, it's this. The results could be questionable when it comes to fighting, but what the system has to offer is impressive. It must be impossible to count how many ways you could use weapons together.

The weak story about the Life tree and the tribes that live next to it tries to tie all these things together. The most exciting thing is the person telling the story. He's pretty much the only voice you'll hear in the game. Instead of letting the other characters speak for themselves, he tells you what they're saying and what it means. It takes away any unique qualities they might have. Their expressions fall flat, possible unique quirks are lost, and mannerisms are impossible to convey. The narrator makes it hard to connect with another character because their words are taken in and thrown back at you through the eyes of a third person.

The fact that most of the dialogue options you have to choose from are questions instead of statements makes any attempt at conversation seem silly. It's a strange design choice that takes away a lot of important decisions, especially since the morality system likes to show itself as often as possible. If anything, the two things work against each other. Why should you care if the game thinks you are light, dark, or somewhere in between when most interactions don't give you a good choice? Sure, it's clear when one of these decisions that affect morality comes up, but the talks in between don't seem to matter. But when there are only five or six NPCs in a whole town and only one of them has anything even slightly interesting to say, it doesn't seem like an exciting system.


The frame rate isn't bad enough to completely trash the game. Patches made during the review process have made it better. Thanks to backward compatibility, both the PS4 Pro and the PS5 have a 60-frames-per-second mode, but the PS4 does it better than the PS5. Short pauses sometimes break the flow of combat and movement, but they don't happen very often. On the technical side, things are pretty smooth, except for texture pop-in and light sources that don't work quite right. Just make sure you download and install all the updates.

Biomutant could have been something special, but the ambitious project doesn't make the most of what it does differently. It is stuck in an open world from a previous generation, and too many other mechanics and menus ruin its ideas. Biomutant tried to do too much, so it skipped the part where it built a strong foundation. Even though this still has potential, Experiment 101's first try hasn't shown it.

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