Control Full Game Download For Free ( ALL DLC )

Hello beautiful people! Today, we'll talk about Control Game Review and how to download Control Game. Control could have been a good thing to shout ab

Control Full Game Review

Hello beautiful people! Today, we'll talk about Control Game Review and how to download Control Game.

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Control could have been a good thing to shout about and probably should have been. Since Remedy Entertainment started working with Microsoft, it has been 16 years since one of its games came out on a PlayStation platform, so its return is a bit of an event. But the title that makes it come back isn't quite as important. It is a good game, but it doesn't go as far as we wanted it to.

If the sequel to inFAMOUS: Second Son had been much darker and more mysterious, and its open world had been limited to the floors of a single high-rise building, the game wouldn't have been that different from Control. This third-person story-based shooter differs from almost everything else because Jesse Faden has a wide range of superpowers, which are kept very secret.


At the heart of the Oldest House is a mystery to solve, but at first, you're just there to find out what happened to your brother. As you move through its strange hallways and lobbies, the position of Director opens up. It starts with multiple events that lead to all kinds of discoveries.

Its story is probably one of the most talked-about parts of the game, but there's only so much we can say about it without giving anything away. As each mission goes on, there's a lot to figure out. They start pretty straightforward but then get ten times more complicated. It's an exciting plot because some things aren't what they seem, but you'll probably need to watch a YouTube video to understand what's happening entirely. A real highlight, though some people might not get it.

On the other hand, the title's style can't be argued with. Every new area has big, bold, booming text to welcome you, and the sound effects and audio design set a new industry standard. The game's enemies, the Hiss, float menacingly above as you explore. The atmosphere is scary and will keep you on edge. They are small things that people do notice.


Exploration is a big part of what makes the game fun, so much so that Remedy called it "Metroidvania." It is, in a way. Every aspect of the Oldest House has its vast map that you can explore & look through at your own pace. Many rooms are locked behind security clearance levels, and others are only reached if you have certain powers. The problem is that the thing you get in return is never exciting. You might find some materials for an extra upgrade or some collectibles, but they never seem to be worth the trouble.

Luckily, side missions are a bit more critical. Through cleverly hidden quests, you can learn how the office building works, what life was like before the Hiss showed up, and how the people still alive deal with the outbreak. Most of them add to the world's history or science, and they, along with optional time-limited missions, are a nice break from the main plot.

But your time is mainly spent fighting with the Hiss, which is the best part of the package. Jesse can quickly switch between different shooting methods with the Service Weapon, a gun that breathes. She starts with the abilities of a pistol, but she quickly gets upgrades that let her change to things like a shotgun, machine gun, or magnum. However, how the weapon is used with her superpowers makes all the difference.


The Service Weapon doesn't have a normal reload but instead has a cooldown. You can try out all your skills when you don't have many bullets. Launch lets you grab any object or enemy in the area and throw it at another enemy, and Shield gives you temporary protection from gunfire. With Evade, you can quickly move out of harm's way. And if you play with Seize, you can turn an enemy into your ally. Also, along with Levitate, you can fly into the air and look down on the battlefield from above.

Success depends on how well you use these skills with your Service Weapon. Different types of enemies need different ways to attack, like shields that need to be shot down before a killing blow can be landed. On the other hand, enemies in the air can avoid the things you throw at them with Launch. When you find the right balance between your ammunition and your skills, you can't help but feel great. Pulling an enemy toward you so hard that he kills a weaker opponent and then throwing his body at another opponent to kill all three of them in one smooth move is very special.

In the second-to-last chapter, the title gets all of its lines wrong. In a vast, open area, your enemies can shoot at you from far away, while those closer to the action can throw explosives at you. Too many enemies are coming simultaneously, so you never get a chance to catch your breath. As a result, you keep coming close to dying repeatedly. It's not fun or exciting in the least, and after the tenth or so try, you'll quickly start to dislike the encounters.


But the framerate is by far the worst thing about the game. Surprisingly, the experience stays at about 30 frames per second for nearly half of the 12-hour campaign, but it worsens as you go on. During combat, the framerate drops to the single digits, which makes things move at a snail's pace in the second half. You also have to fight the more traditional enemies on screen. We're unsure how the game got to the store in this condition, but that's not the only technical problem. You can make the game freeze for a few seconds after leaving the pause screen every time you use it, and there are also stutters when entering and leaving a fast travel point. It's a major flaw that will need to be fixed with a series of patches after the game.

It looks a little better in other places. After a while, some settings start to look the same, but the areas that aren't the grey offices of the Oldest House are lovely. Bright oranges and blues, along with Hiss's style, light up a world that has been warped and destroyed by it. Control has some artistic beauty, even if you don't always see it.

Control is a good experience, no question about it, but it won't be remembered for long. Its combat-focused and exploration-based gameplay is a big plus, and its abilities give you much room for creativity. However, the game's unreliable framerate stops the fun far too often. You should definitely play this, but that's about as far as praise goes.

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